Showing posts with label Puisi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Puisi. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm not your angel, , ,

Life is not easy, working night and day only,,
I feel guilty,,
You should not choose me,,
I forgive slama who is full of bustle dg,,
Until there is no time for you,,

I'm not the angel that is always there beside you every second ..,,
I am an ordinary person who is full of shortcomings ...
But I do try to be the best,,

I know you continue to hear all the reason I'm bored ..
If you're tired,,
Find someone who is always there for you,,,
Unlike me who is always distressing you,,
I just want you to be happy ..


Wednesday, October 13, 2010


MimPI / Dreams

dalam hitam kelap malam
kuberdiri melawan sepi
di sini di pantai ini
telah terkubur sejuta kenangan
dihempas keras gelombang
dan tertimbun batu karang
yang tak kan mungkin dapat terulang

wajah putih pusat pasi
tergores luka di hati

matamu membuka kisah
kasih asmara yang telah ternoda
hapuskan semua khayalan
lenyapkan satu harapan
kemana lagi harus mencari

kau sandarkan sejenak beban diri
kau taburkan benih kasih
hanyalah emosi

melambung jauh terbang tinggi
bersama mimpi
terlelap dalam lautan emosi
setelah aku sadar diri
kau tlah jauh pergi
tinggalkan mimpi yang tiada bertepi

kini hanya rasa rindu
merasuk di dada
serasa sumpah melayang pergi
terbawa arus kasih membara 


>>>English Version <<<


I stood up against the quiet
here on this beach
has buried a million memories
waves slammed hard
and buried under rocks
that no one will probably be repeated

white face white center
graze wound in the heart

open your eyes a story
love affair that has tarnished
unselect all fantasy
eliminate one hope

where else should seek
load moment you rest your self
You sow the seeds of love
just emotions

fly soar far higher
common dreams
asleep in a sea of ​​emotions
after I'm self-aware
tlah you far away
leave a dream that never trimmed

now only a sense of longing
pervasive in the chest
oath seemed to float away
swept away the love burning

Monday, September 27, 2010

Poem Loving


Kasih dengar ceritaku
Datang kegalawan hati
Yang meraja mengisi 

Renungan hati yang hampa hatiku

Kasih lihat diriku
Menatap seni sedia
Air matamu               
Kau berharap 
Mengakiri semuanya

Tiada seseorang pun yang tahu
Betapa besar rasa cintaku
Lihatlah kesungguhan diriku
Tulusnya cintaku

Tak pernah terbalas olehmu
    Kau biarkan hati ini membeku


Pertama kali ku melihatmu,
Aku merasa engkau cintaku,
Dan kini
Ku sudah merasakan cinta itu.

Saat ku memandangmu

Senyummu menyilaukan hatiku
Pandangan matamu menusuk hatiku
Sehingga ku tak bisa berpaling darimu

Hingga saat ini namamu
Kan ku simpan 
Didalam lubuk hatiku 
Yang paling dalam...

first love view
*** If  any unfavourable,

    request the your suggestion and criticism .
^_^ Thank's.....